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So who is this guy?
About Me
I’m an author and editor from Texas, specializing in fantasy and LGBT fiction (or both, preferably!). I’m the author of two published novels, with two more forthcoming. I’ve been writing since I was three years old and editing (if you consider obnoxiously correcting other children's spelling and grammar editing) for almost as long.​
As a queer, trans man, I have a special interest in LGBT fiction and love to work with queer authors on queer stories.
The fun stuff
I’m an avid boulderer, and I love to run at very slow paces.
I majored in Russian and study Mandarin Chinese at the local community college. My dream is to teach English in Taiwan one day!
When I was in sixth grade, my soccer team won second place at the state tournament. It is my proudest accomplishment to this day. I unequivocally peaked in sixth grade.
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